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Relieve Eye Strain with Neurolens

People are using digital devices and spending more and more time in front of screens every day, and our eyes are taking strain. If your eyes are tired, red, dry, and sensitive to light, or if you experience neck pain, headaches, and muscle stiffness that often accompany extended screen time usage, Neurolens might be the answer.

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Grayslake Eyecare: First to Introduce
Neurolens Technology to Illinois

This recent development in the management of ocular misalignment (which can lead to headaches, eye fatigue and visual stress) is the culmination of studies on the trigeminal nerve and how your vision plays a part.

Many patients that are unable to find relief of their symptoms may be candidates for this lens technology. If you or someone you know, has headaches, or neck or shoulder pain when spending time near focusing, contact our office and schedule an exam.

Optometrist checking patients vision
Woman rubbing dry irritated eyes

Experiencing Eye Strain, Headaches,
or a Stiff Neck?

Your eyes and brain are in constant communication. When both of your eyes are not in alignment with each other, your brain is forced to constantly work harder to bring them into balance. As a result of this imbalance, some people experience eye strain, pain in or around their eyes, headaches, dizziness, migraines, stiff neck and upper back pain. NeuroLenses are specifically designed to reduce this imbalance to allow for natural and smooth communication.

  • NeuroLens therapy helps to correct the misalignment of your eyes with specially designed eyeglass lenses.
  • Researchers believe ocular misalignment causes over-stimulation of your trigeminal nerve; which can cause eyestrain, dry eye, headaches, migraines, and in some cases, can mimic a sinus headache.
  • If we correct your eye misalignment, we can likely reduce over-stimulation of your trigeminal nerve; which will improve and often drastically reduce your symptoms.

Concussion, head injury, whiplash, traumatic brain injury (TBI) or car accident can cause headaches, dizziness, vertigo, nausea and even panic attacks while driving. If this persists after 4 weeks you may have post-concussion syndrome; in which NeuroLens therapy has the potential to give you substantial relief.

The Neurolens® Measurement Test

At Grayslake Eyecare, the neurolens® measurement test is completed quickly during your regular eye exam by one of our doctors. The test measures the degree of your misalignment at near and far and will allow us to determine if you have a misalignment in your vision. We’ll find the contoured prism prescription that is right for you and you’ll quickly “see” how neurolenses® can relieve your symptoms.

Portrait of African optician in optical shop store, cross arms,